Amateur Radio and Scouting through ARRL

Scout Radio Yahoo Group

Radio Merit Badge Class:

The Radio Merit Badge (RMB) is a great opportunity to introduce Scouts to the many facets of our hobby.    While not a licensing course, the RMB provides Scouts with an introduction to many topics related to Radio such as how do radio waves travel, how call signs are given out and how to tell where a station is located by those call signs, some basic electronic concepts and how to use amateur radio in an emergency situation.  A highlight of the day is giving these Scouts the opportunity to make real on the air contacts via either HF or VHF/UHF communications.

Jamboree On The Air:

Scouting and Ham radio have a long history.  This year marks the 62nd Jamboree On The Air (JOTA), a world wide event that puts Scouts in contact with Scouts via Amateur Radio.  The JOTA program features not only HF Voice and PSK31 but also UHF IRLP and local contacts.  We also provide ancillary activities.  We use as much volunteer help as we can get to make JOTA a success so please contact Tom Schuessler using the "Contact Us" link to the right.

Radio Scouting Information

How to get a radio license

JOTA Brochure

Scout Amateur Radio Handout

Radio Scouting Quick Reference Card

Scout Contact Questions

Amateur Radio Operator Strip

Morse Code (CW) Handout

Learn Morse Code (CW)

Fox Hunt Info Sheet

Boy's Life GeoFox Video

ARRL GeoFox Article

Tape Measure Yagi Beam Antenna

For more information please