How To Get A License


Before you can operate on a radio by yourself, you have to get your license.  This license is issued by the FCC and has 3 different Classes (levels) that you can achieve.  The first class is Technician, the second in General, and the third is Extra.  In order get a Technician License you must pass a 35 question test.  Tests are given by other amateur radio operators at a test secession.  Recently the FCC has eliminated the Morse Code requirement on all classes of licenses.  Each license class has an available question pool that is the questions that will be on the test you must pass.  The question pool changes every 4 years so make sure you are studying from the most current one.

There are many ways to available to for you to study and prepare to take each of the different class license tests.  Each license class must be earned in order Technician, then General, and lastly Extra.  The information below is provided to give you a small idea of what is available for you to use, and not meant to be a complete resources list.  Use your favorite search engine and you will find a wealth of information to help you prepare for your licensing test.

On line resources:

American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
Ham University

Book resources:
American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
The ARRL also has several other resources in publication for you to gain more knowledge and information about amateur radio

Radio Clubs:
Many cities have a local Radio Club that provide test secessions and are willing to help you get your license. 

The ARRL provides a way to search for a club in your area.  Find A Club

Or you may use your favorite search engine and search your city with the words radio club.  If your city does not have a club there may be one in a city close to you. 

Find A Test Location:
Now that you have studied and are ready to take your test, it is time to find a place to that test.

Hamfest Search

What to Bring to the Test:

* A photo ID
* FRN Federal Registration Number is required (see note below +)

* Pencils and pens (black or blue)
* Your current license or CSCE (if you have one)
* A copy of your license or CSCE (if you have one)
* Exam Fee: of $15.00 (Cash Only Please)

+ FCC issued Federal Registration Number (FRN); VEC’s are required by the FCC to submit your FRN number with your license application form. You must register with the FCC and receive a FRN before you can take an exam. Visit the FCC site and click REGISTER it only takes about 5 minutes to fill out the application and you receive your FRN in just a few seconds.  Write this number down along with your password.  You will need this to pay the FCC $35 application fee and to renew your license.

FCC Payment Website